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Friday, November 4, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday with Jane

   Tuesday is one of my favorite weekdays. I call them Tuesdays with Jane. For close to 10 years, I have had every Tuesday off from my nursing job. It's a day I use to do housework, run errands, garden, start (and sometimes) finish house decorating and organizing projects... However, today - this particular Tuesday- I was LAZY!  I am almost ashamed of myself.  I did say "almost". I was disappointed more than ashamed. For me, time is a precious commodity and resource that I do not like to waste!  I have been called "taskmaster", "The General", "bossy", The Boss", you get the picture.  I am not one for wasting time and I expect the same from others...whether you live with me or work with me outside my home.  I am a total Martha in the world of many Marys and Marthas. I know, I know...Jesus said that Mary had it right. That doesn't mean I don't believe, it just means I have now confessed to you one of my many struggles!
   Here it is...the day has ended. I always count a day as good or bad by what my productivity and accomplishments were for the day. This Tuesday made me think -  Is it really so bad to lay around and watch HGTV all day?   Of course I did get up and take clothes from the washer to the dryer and into a basket or 2, however, I did not fold or put the clothes away! SHAME!  I like nice and neat, I like pretty, my family is well aware of my obsession. Today I left dirty dishes in the sink, and I ALWAYS clean the bathrooms every Tuesday, but guess what didn't get done?? What is wrong with me?!? What is happening here?!? Well I did feed the dog and let her out at least once, and started the dishwasher... made some coffee, and then... well... I did channel flip away from HGTV a few times. Oh and I did manage a nap! OK, next Tuesday I will make up for this unscrupulous, wasting of time. This canNOT be a habit! I will say though...overall...it was kind of nice...