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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Baby Girl Drives Back to The Dorm

  It is always difficult when my baby girl of 19 heads back to her college town after spending the weekend at home with mama and daddy. We had a wonderful weekend: Family movie night with pizza and popcorn... Baby girl meets dad for lunch...Visit with Granny...
  I truly feel as if I just came home from the hospital with her all wrapped up in a pink blanket. I held my baby girl for the longest, not wanting to put her down. Finally I laid her in her crib, only to stare at her. I was making sure she was breathing. From that day forward, I was her guardian. Of course, she calls it being a stalker. I call it being a mom.
   Of course it's raining and the day has turned into evening when she finally backs out of the driveway. What if a tractor/trailor loses control on the interstate, what if she loses control on the wet pavement, what if a creeper decides to follow her car ...  I could drive myself insane. I have prayed for my baby girl's safety, asking God to place guardian angels around her in whatever form He decides.
   I held her for the longest, not wanting to let go. Finally I opened the car door for her, waved as I stared at her car backing out of the driveway. I'll be waiting for the phone call, the one where she says, I'm here at the dorm safe and sound stalker mom. I love you, Good Night.

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