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Saturday, October 22, 2011


   About me: I am 40 something...married only once, still married to the same awesome man, mother of 3 wonderful kids, all in college at this time. One will soon graduate and is engaged to be married to a lovely young lady. This time next year I can add mother-in-law to my many "hats" I wear.  I love to spend time with my family and friends, love journaling, reading, gardening and observing wildlife, especially birds. 
   I am an RN for a home infusion therapy company presently. Prior to this, most of my healthcare experience has been spent in the surgery setting, as an OR nurse and a pre-op nurse.
   I have a strong faith in God, believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to God, the Father without Jesus. I believe in the trinity, that there is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - they are one manifested in three unique callings. A mystery that I believe in by faith. However, there is no mystery in this: If you seek God, you WILL find God.  He is the Creator. He gives us choices. Just because you may not believe doesn't make Him any less real. I know Him, have seen Him in action, and have felt His presence. He is real. Observe a very ill person or maybe a frightened family member of a very ill person and note who is the first one they call for? Time and again, it is GOD. Who do those of us in the medical field seek and call out to when confronted with unbelievable situations? GOD
  Be still and know...

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